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A Note From Our President

Dear Members of the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce,

Here we are - July, the month of BBQs, 4th of July parades, the MLB All-Star Game and we will close out this month with the Summer Olympics. So much in one month and your Chamber is adding to the excitement.
As we enter the month of July, I am eager to highlight the importance of networking. Networking is not just a professional activity; it is a powerful tool that fosters connections, cultivates relationships, and drives business growth. Networking has been the largest contributor to the success of my business over these last 9 years and I am excited your Chamber board chose to include networking as one of our four cornerstone pillars that build your chamber membership.

This month, we have two exciting business mixers planned, designed specifically to facilitate meaningful networking opportunities among our members.

Join us:
July 18th for our monthly Mixer at Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Restaurant & Grill and then on
July 31st for a Multi-Chamber Mixer at PETALS Floral Shop
Information for both of these mixers can be found in the Clarion and on our website.

All of our networking opportunities allow you to leverage the collective expertise and resources within our chamber community. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, participating in these events gives you a platform to learn from others, and discover potential power partners that can move your business forward.

Beyond the immediate benefits of expanding your professional contacts, networking also plays a crucial role in your personal development. It helps you build confidence, strengthen your communication skills, and it opens doors to mentorship and career advancement opportunities.

I encourage each of you to take full advantage of upcoming business mixers this month and all the months to follow. Whether you are attending for the first time or are a regular participant, these events offer a welcoming environment where ideas are exchanged, partnerships are formed, and friendships are nurtured. There is also always some delicious food to enjoy as well. As an added bonus, if you bring a raffle prize to any of our mixers, you will have an opportunity to share a little bit about your business with those in attendance.

Together, through our networking pillar, we can continue to foster a vibrant and supportive business community in Brentwood.

Thank you for your support of our chamber. I am looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming mixers and events throughout the city.

Happy 4th of July!!!


In Service,

Karri Reiser
President, Brentwood Chamber of Commerce

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