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Member Benefits

Are you a business owner in Brentwood?

Do you have a business in or around Contra Costa County? 


The Brentwood Chamber Of Commerce is an exclusive network of business owners that support and refer one another's business. Joining the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce is an investment, you're expanding your marketing and strategies while supporting a local economy and fostering a sense of community.



Visibility for your Business will exponentially grow. A major benefit of your membership in the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce is having access to many opportunities to showcase your business; whether through event sponsorship, advertising in Chamber publications and media, networking at business and social events, displaying your marketing materials in the Chamber office, and sponsoring events and more. Your company will receive a free listing in the online Chamber Business Directory. The Chamber website is a valuable resource for linking the community to local businesses, and businesses to other businesses.

Networking Opportunities

The Brentwood Chamber of Commerce provides numerous opportunities for you to network with other business-minded individuals and establish the kind of relationships necessary to build your business. Working luncheons, special speakers, evening mixers, ribbon-cutting ceremonies, La Gran Fiesta, Hometown Halloween, Annual Holiday Parade and more. There are over 50 events per year which enhance your exposure with the people you want to meet. You can plan for these events by using the online Chamber Calendar.


Seminars and Workshops

During the year the Chamber presents seminars and workshops on a wide variety of topics of interest to business owners, such as marketing, bookkeeping, finance, time management, and other valuable skills for your business. Chamber members often have the "insider" news on other educational opportunities that will benefit your business.


Discount Programs

Many Chamber members offer discounts on goods and services to fellow members, which is an excellent way to promote your business in the local community.


Business Referrals

The Chamber receives dozens of inquiries each week. We refer Chamber members ONLY. We also refer people to our website, where your business and your web address is listed.

Ready to join now?

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